Ge-Baek Hosin Sool

Taekwon-Do ITF School

Home page > Ge-Baek Hosin Sool > Events schedule > Event registration

Event registration

How registration works

At the moment you fill and submit the following form, you are registered to the event and we count on you. To the specified email we send you this information so that you can keep it.

If you need make any change in your registration (for any reason), please send email with these changes to (it is not possible to make changes via web interface).

If you register more people, enter individuals gradually.

Events: Sonkal Open 2024
Number of card CST or Birth number: Proč chceme toto číslo? Neznám číslo průkazu?
Surname: Příjmení pište i s diakritikou, např. Čížek, Nováková, ...
Name: Jméno pište i s diakritikou, např. Kateřina, Čeněk, ...
I will participate as:

Number of card Czech Taekwon-Do Federation: ?

Grade / Degree:
Medical examination:
Weight (only for matsogi): kg

At school events, we take photos and videos to be placed on our websites and promotional materials. If you do not want to be on photos, talk directly to the photographer. If you find your photo on our website and do not want it to be placed there, please send email to us and we will remove it.